

admin 足球直播 2024-02-11 60浏览 0




  I like to watch all kinds of sport matches, I adore athletes, they are so inspiring, they work so hard to become the strongest, the most honorable thing is that their success is by their effort, not by advertise. But lately, the news about athletes taking the medicine to win the game, this is so shameful, the honesty is believed to be a athlete’s merit, when he loses it, he loses people’s respect.


  What is the pride of a athlete? The answer is their work hard for the champion, the sprit of never giving up, but when a athlete plays a trick to win the champion, there is no doubt that people will despite him. The spirit of sport game is respect your opponent, all the guys are fighting in a fair competition, when one of them takes the medicine, that means he breaks the game rule, he has no right to compete. Taking the medicine makes a athlete lose his honesty, he deserves to be abandoned, the basic thing is no longer find in him. We all like to watch the athletes compete in a pure situation, what makes them stronger is their will, not the medicine.

  一个运动员的骄傲是什么?答案是他们通过努力赢得冠军,永不放弃的精神,但是当一个运动员耍诡计来赢得冠军,毫无疑问,人们会鄙视他。运动比赛的精神是尊重对手,所有的人都处在公平竞争的比赛,当其中一个人服药的时候,这意味着他打破了比赛规则,他没有竞争的资格大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。服药让一个运动员失去诚信,他应该被淘汰,最基本的东西都没有了。我们都想要看到运动员处在公平竞争的状态,让他们更强的是意志,而不是药物。

  The athlete who takes the medicine or plays other tricks will be kicked out by the referee. As the audience, we all want to watch the fair game, we appreciate the athlete’s spirit of never giving up.



  With the upcoming of the London Olympic Games, the anti-doping is being hotlydiscussed again. It's said that the analeptic inspection of London Olympic Games is the most stringent ever. Some athletes resort to stimulants to boost their competition results, because a good competition result means a lot to an athlete, glory, repuation and money大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!. But almost all people think that the stimulants should be banned in any kind of sports games. I strongly support it.


  First of all, using the stimulants will destroy the athlete both in physical and in mental. Taking stimulants can release the energy within a short period of time, using up athletes' energy and making them totally excited, even crazy. After the games, they have to rest for several days to recover. Furthermore, the athletes may become addicted to the stimulants. It's kind of drugs that hardly to get rid of.

  首先,服用兴奋剂损害运动员的身体和精神。服用兴奋剂能够在短时间内释放能量,耗尽运动员的能量,使他们完全兴奋,甚至疯狂。比赛过后,他们必须休息几天才能够恢复过来。而且,运动员可能会对兴奋剂上瘾大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。这是一种很难戒掉的药。

  Secondly, taking stimulants violates the spirit of the Olympic Games. If every athletes take stimulants to get better competition results, there's no point in holding any kind of sports games, because it would be the competition of stimulants rather than the competitive level of athletes.


  In short, the athletes should stay away from stimulants and rely on their hardwork to win the gold medalin the sports games.





